Written by Jackson Barr
Starring Sam Hennings, Andrea Roth and Bernard Kates
Tom (Sam Hennings) goes back to his hometown of Comet Valley to investigate some old meteors. But what people don’t know is that they are really alien seed pods and when one old fool lets one loose a couple of aliens take over some local townspeople and brainwash the rest into helping them uncover the main “seedcone” that contains hundreds of seed pods. Now its up to Tom and the town drunk to save the day.
I don’t think I had ever heard of SEEDPEOPLE or as my copy says DARK FOREST until a few months ago when I kept coming across this on one of the sites that I get my DVD’s from. I found the cover somewhat cool and the plot outline interested the shitty B-movie alien lover in me so I put it in my wish list for awhile and then I finally decided to get it a few weeks ago. I didn’t really look into this movie before hand for some reason but after I bought it I looked some things up and then I noticed that Charles Band and Full Moon Entertainment were involved with this. Yikes! I thought I just made a big mistake for I normally don’t like Full Moon stuff, even that stuff is to shitty for me! But I was pleasantly surprised by this.
The cast is pretty much made up of relative unknown actors. The only one I knew was Andrea Roth, who played a big factor in me getting this movie cause I wanted to check her out when she was young and hot. Overall the acting in this is really not that bad considering what kind of movie this is. You won’t find any great or memorable performances although Bernard Kates does do a nice job at his role as Doc Roller the “crazy drunk” who knew what these things were from the beginning.
There are a couple of cool scenes that take place early on in the movie when the aliens are overtaking some bodies. One guy looks like he gets spunked on by one of the seedlings when he gets completely covered in a lovely milky white substance. Another one happens a few minutes later when a farmer gets hit by another seedling but instead of getting splooged on he gets attacked by these big pollen grains which look exactly like corn pops. Well, they seemed cool to me anyways.
SEEDPEOPLE did have a fairly decent orchestral score which was a nice surprise as, for some reason, I was expecting some shitty rock music. The opening theme was a solid piece of music that you could easily find in a much larger film.
I guess they could only afford three rubber alien costumes and all I can say about them is they are deliciously shitty…yet cool at the same time. Does that make sense? Eh, probably not, but they are kinda cheesy and crappy looking but I liked them nonetheless. You get one that flies through the air, one that curls up and rolls along the ground (think an overly large Critter from the CRITTERS series) and one that walks on its hands and seemingly has no legs. Interesting.
Well, I’ll go ahead and end this one with these parting words. Most people would probably rate this with the likes of some shitty Sci-Fi original movie but I find SEEDPEOPLE to be so much more enjoyable than that. I would recommend this to people that love shitty B-movies about aliens. If you don’t fit in this category then I would probably advise you to stay away.
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