Back in 2005 or so I got pretty excited after I watched a little British film called CREEP. I absolutely loved that film and still do. I feel that it's an excellent well made film. So I eagerly awaited what Mr. Smith would come up and release next. Well it seems that I had my hopes up for nothing.
I know I'm a little late in this cause Smith's next film after
CREEP came out in 2006 and I'm just now getting around to watching it. Guess I wasn't as eager as I thought then, hmmm? Anyways, I've had the DVD, from Netflix, of
SEVERANCE sitting on my entertainment center for the past 3 months, if not longer. Friday morning after I got home from a round of golf I decided to finally watch it.

Well I tried to watch it cause I never did finish it. I got about an hour into the film before I just had to turn it off. I found myself being rather bored and doing other things than actually watching the film. I just was not being entertained by this movie, at all. There was a moment of interest when this one dude gets his leg caught in a bear trap and gets his legged severed, but that was about it.
So after all this time waiting I have to say that I'm severely disappointed in you, Christopher Smith and your movie
SEVERANCE. I was left totally uninterested and turning it off before the climax of the movie.